Reset the administrator/user password on Windows Server 2008 by using Windows Installation Disk

  1. Insert the Windows Server 2008 installation DVD
  2. Restart the computer, select boot from DVD
  3. Choose option “Repair your computer
  4. Select start command prompt
  5. Type in “C:
  6. Then, “CD C:WindowsSystem32
  7. MOVE Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.bak
  8. COPY Cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  9. You may also need to enable the administrator account which can be done by using “NET USER administrator /active:yes
  10. Restart the windows
  11. Then, at the login screen, type Windows-U, this fires up cmd.exe
  12. NET USER  e.g. NET USER administrator Presto!
  13. Now restart the computer again and move the original Utilman.exe back. e.g. MOVE Utilman.exe.bak Utilman.exe

By zam

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